Do I need to get 10000 steps a day?!

As all of my clients know, I am an absolute advocate of getting them all to increase their step count and NEAT activity (which stands for non exercise thermogenesis) basically any movement that isn’t planned exercise like the gym or a run.

Why? because increasing this leads to a higher calorie output, and expenditure. most of my clients are looking to lose body fat, lean up, feel fit and healthy. So naturally this is a non stressful, easy way to make sure they burn more calories than what they’re taking in via food. Which is called a deficit, and is the only way to lose fat.

But why 10000? this number of steps has come from guidelines, and actually there is so much health benefit, from achieving 4000 steps a day reduces the risk of dying prematurely, any extra 1000 on top of that decreases the risk of premature death by 15% up to 20000 a day.

and the most benefit of steps is seen amongst the under 60s.

My advice is to increase steps by 1000 from what you’re already doing, and slowly build from there, otherwise it all becomes overwhelming. If you’re looking to increase your health, fitness and lose bodyfat for whatever reason, increasing step count is super important and such an easy win!

I always suggest :

parking further away when going to work or a social event and walking an extra 10 minutes (which will be around 1000 steps) thats it !

multitasking – whilst you ring a friend, have a work call, answer emails,voicenote clients, friends or work go for a walk at the same time !

walk for 10 minutes before and after a gym workout

take a longer route with the dog, or when walking to or from somewhere.

it all matters and it will all make a difference!!


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