3 Things you need to know about Weightloss.

  1. Weightloss is different to fat-loss. clients 9/10 come to me asking for Weightloss coaching, once we go through what that means aesthetically 9/10 its fat-loss they desire. Think about it this way weight is the number on the scales due to gravity, and so many factors can come in to play with what that number on the scales shows. If you’re stressed, haven’t slept well, need the toilet, fluctuating hormones, menstruation, ovulation the list goes on. But fat loss, is when we reduce body fat percentage through dietary changes and some resistance training, retain lean muscle mass in which we get the result of ‘lean’ and ‘toned’.
  2. A DEFICIT of energy is the way the body will use excess body fat as energy, therefore reduction in weight. a deficit means that we are consuming less than what we burn, but HANG ON it doesn’t have to be salads and tap water. there is so much chucked around about being in a deficit. but what does that actually mean? There is NOT one way to go about it. I encourage clients to experiment with lots of ways to create a deficit. One thing I get them started on is 30 minute walks per day, increasing their NEAT activity (non exercise thermogenesis) things like steps, parking further away, and slight tweaks in diet, but keeping everything they enjoy in It of course. which could mean, instead of having a tub of ben a Jerrys.. have a tub of. halo top saving 600 calories, it could mean instead of drinking 2 lattes drinking 1 and 1 Americano saving 200 calories..it doesnt need to be over complicated, which creates significant Weightloss results long term…& the weight stays off for good.
  3. you DONT need to diet. diets DONT work. ‘95% of dieters end up regaining the weight they lost within two years‘ why? because diets don’t teach they tell you. Ever heard that saying “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” or something like that ?! the same applies. you’re not being taught what works for you, you’re not making easy changes that you can carry on for the rest of your life and you’re not changing habits which are not bringing you health and happiness. I hold myself to teaching clients as much as they can, and as much as they want, to be able to change habits, create life changing results, and keep them off for good.


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